Day 2
When every body got a early start to their day, I (Zach) slept in a little late and when Alfredo came to pick us up we went to his house and ate some french toast with all of his family. After every body was done with their breakfast all of Alfredo`s kids got ready for the swim practice and I was invited to go swimming with them. We went to the swim practice and Chuck decided
that it was okay to throw people into the pool and he threw me in (with my shirt on). I thought that they would have swimming practice in the river but, I was wrong. After we got out of the pool we saw all of the animals that they had around. There were some turtles and some really cool but weird looking ducks and there was a lot of chickens. Then the last really cool animal that we saw was some aligators. When we saw the playground we saw some teeter-totters and so me and Chuck went on it and and he flung me off the teeter-totter. After we were all done with the swim practice Alfredo`s son Daniel had a soccer game and we all went to the game. He was one of the better players and the team won the game 5 to 1 he got really sweaty and all of us and Alfredo`s family were sitting on the side line eatting Wendy`s and it was delicious. The reason that Guadalupe was not cooking for us today was because it was that it was her daughters 15th birthday usually in the U.S. the big birthday for girls is the sweet 16 but here it is the sweet 15. When we left the soccer feild me Chuck and my mom and dad went to the mall and Alfredo and his family got dropped of at the house and he got the other car and came to pick us up and when we were at the mall we went to look at every thing that they had there and I saw the most cool sunglasses and they were
129.50 lempira. We got picked-up and then we went to the construction site and we saw all of the things that they got done and we took a tour of the hospital and the 1st house that they almost got finished and we learned what we were going to be doing. After we left the construction site we went to Alfredo`s house and the adults sat and talked while me and Daniel sat on the hammock and talked and all of the other kids played video games and had a lot of fun. While we were waiting we also played a lot of soccer and we just messed around with the soccer ball. While
we were there doing all of that stuff we were waiting for all of the food to get there. We ate Domino`s pizza and it was also good but not as good as all of the food that Guadalupe makes. After dinner we continued to hang out there and when it was time to go we all cramed into the car and went back to the apartment and we were all sitting around and talking and we saw a gecko on the wall and now it is pouring down rain and there is a lot of thunder and lightning.
When every body got a early start to their day, I (Zach) slept in a little late and when Alfredo came to pick us up we went to his house and ate some french toast with all of his family. After every body was done with their breakfast all of Alfredo`s kids got ready for the swim practice and I was invited to go swimming with them. We went to the swim practice and Chuck decided
Great blogging, Zach. I'm jealous of you guys, especially since I have to work this weekend. Enjoy the waterfall tomorrow (I'm assuming that you're going there) and try to actually eat some Honduran food this week, not the American food that you ate today. We love you guys and are praying for you. I'll make sure that everyone prays for you tomorrow.
ReplyDeletePhil (on behalf of the Darkes)
ReplyDeleteSo glad you have a testosterone- buddy in Chuck! Glad you two haven't needed to use the new hospital. It's so great to hear about the details of your day. Thanks! And I agree with Phil--Eat some Honduran food tomorrow!
God be with you all in amazing ways!
Denise Drake
I applaud Chuck for throwing you in the pool Zac with your shirt on. Do they do Dominos pizza Hoduran style?
ReplyDeleteWe missed you in church today. The congregation prayed for you guys. (via Phil)Look forward to hearing more stories