Day 7
We had such an exciting day today, so I am really excited to be able to write this blog!
My day started at 6:00, without an alarm clock (the sun comes up SO early here!) Every morning, Guadalupe (or Guatatamale as Zach says) and I stumble through a conversation. This morning she taught me how to make tortillas :)
After breakfast, we went back to the work site. We figured that we'd be done by lunch, but ended up being done way before that. The biggest expected

highlight was the completion of the patio. We figured out today that we have mixed (by hand) and poured 500 square feet of concrete. It was very rewarding to see the finished product of our labor. But the biggest surprise highlight was when Zach provided comic relief by losing control of a wheelbarrow full of concrete.

On the way back to the apartment, we made one stop at another orphanage
where we met a boy named Carlos, who had a very contagious laugh! Once we arrived at the apartment, we all showered and then headed out to the market. We had a great time looking at the variety of people and wares. I got a comal to practice making tortillas at home (I also got a Honduran cookbook a few days ago), and Zach finally got his machete.
We came back, and headed off to a nearby hotel for dinner with the Cerrato family, and our new neighbors from Wheaton.

We were surprised that it was a Honduran buffet! I have learned many new names for foods since I've been here. The first day we were here, we had enchiladas, which I would have called tostadas. Tonight, I had a taco, which I would have called an enchilada.
And so ends our day. We're back at the apartment relaxing and enjoying the evening. Tomorrow, we're going to see "the waterfall" , and don't have to leave until about 9:00, so we're hoping to sleep in - but with the early sun, I'm not so sure about that. We pray that everyone at home is doing well.
OH - And an answer to a couple of questions that we've received...
1. There is a picture of Marisol with a wide open mouth. She's not laughing, crying or screaming... she's yawning :-o
2. There is a picture of a tree that is heavy with fruit. I thought when I took the picture that it was guava, but it's not. We're still trying to figure out what exactly it is, but apparently it gets to be the size of a watermelon, and they drink the juice from it.
3. Hoekstra is Char's maiden name, and we noticed the sign on the side of the La Providencia bus, and thought she'd get a kick out of seeing it.
4. The warehouse is actually full of tools and construction equipment right now. (And a side note for the guys - there's actually an oil change station in the middle of the warehouse, like the one at Jiffy Lube with the hole in the floor) There are loads of clothes being stored in one of the clinic rooms though, and more coming soon.
5. Daddy (Chuck) threw Zach in the pool because he, and Zach's mommy and daddy, thought it would be fun.
6. Marisol took a picture of Daddy's (Chuck's) feet because she loves looking at feet and toes.
7. Domino's pizza and Wendy's is amazingly (and frighteningly) exactly the same as in the US. Wendy's even has a L20 (20 limpira=$1US) menu.