Our ALP boys are talented! Not only can they play soccer, but these fellas have great attitudes and really know how to hustle! The team captain, Jonaton is quite talented but has a great "team" mentality. He does his part and encourages the others in their positions. He is always cheerful and smiling. Our goalie, Antony, worked hard to learn how to defend the goal. He took his job seriously and truly enjoyed it. Antony also has asthma and cannot run well. This did not stop him from having a great attitude. So many of the boys really shined during the soccer games. They had such fun and were truly proud of each other. This was such a wonderful experience for everyone in the ministry. These kids are amazing!
Our captain, Jonaton, was awarded a medal from the city for the most goals scored. He was presented with this medal in a private moment when his mom and sister could be present. His mom was so joyful. When Jonaton joined his classmates again, they all cheered and shared in the joy.