Saturday, December 19, 2009

Noche de Paz, Noche de Amor

This afternoon, the staff of La Providencia gathered to celebrate the birth of our Savior. We invited the children of the staff to participate in a Christmas pagent and afterwards we gathered to share a meal. It was simple and wonderful! We listened to the reading of the Christmas story from the Bible, intermixed with those wonderful Christmas carols: O little town of Bethlehem, Silent Night, Away in a Manger, Hark the Herald Angels, O Come All Ye Faithful, Joy to the World and Navidad, Navidad Hoy es Navidad! Dinner was a collaborative effort, with each employee bringing something to the party. Dona Reina even made torrejas for us! The swing set is finally complete and the children had a great time on the slide!

A few things to remember:  Esmelvin, our "Jose", was unable to come to practice because he was in the field cutting coffee. Two of our angels, Floriselle and Floridalma, had to prepare their costumes themselves as their mother was working and unable to help them prepare. One of our wise men, Moises, didn't have an extra sheet or anything he could bring to use as a costume. Jose Mario, age 8, was traveling home on a bus from camp in Tegucigalpa, the bus broke down and he will return home tomorrow.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

One little, two little, three little indians . . .

The Lord's ways are not ours and His thinking is not ours. We are seeing abundant blessings during what appears a dry season. Dry in the sense that we lack one set of house parents and finances are tight. Nonetheless, our Lord showers us with blessings!
The little indians in the first house are wild! There are 3 children age 3 1/2 and two others: 2 years and 18 months old. We have the opportunity to teach, to train, to instruct and to support the children, the nannies and the house parents ( in the second home) with complete freedom. Thankfully, the Lord is gracious and merciful.

Our days have been filled explaining meal planning, discipline procedures and best of all - taking these wild indians outside to play. We have been on the swings, in the woods, on riding toys, kicking balls and always the children are picking berries called nancy. We have been taking them to church and on picnics. We decorated the house for Christmas - but everything was demolished. The little ones couldn't resist - such busy little investigators!

All of our new schedule of time and play with them has provided MANY opportunities for behavior teaching. All five of the orphans know how to throw a good temper trantrum - arms straight up and fall. Thankfully they haven't all done it at the same time.  Like all new challenges, we proceed with caution and fear of the Lord. We are in a battle for their souls. A battle requiring much love, patience, tenderness and like most warfare, not for the faint of heart. We are determined, least this children should be hindered to come to the cross of Christ. We are exhausted at the end of out time with them, but, it is proven that discipline in love is a need of all children. They feel safe and secure when the boundaries are set and upheld. They show it in their face, in their embrace, in the daily changes in their behavior. Praise the Lord for His patience and love toward us. May we continue to be vessels of His love to the children. Praise the Lord that our three older children behave well and are happy to help by playing well and trying to be good examples. Our three go to it with purpose too! They are so cute and determined to do their part to help! Praise the Lord for that!

Israel and I have not been alone - Roberto is now called "Tio Tin", and there is a young family from the village spending their weekends with the children, and of course, the nannies.


 Lucia, our lead nanny in the home really seems to love the children. She says, "they just need Jesus" and she couldn't be more right. We are so thankful.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Feliz Navidad!

This week, we traveled between the two homes at La Providencia to prepare the way of Christmas! Two of our teachers, Sindy and Lorena, made large paper Christmas trees to hang in each home.  We gave the children paper ornaments to "hang" on the trees.  We sang songs and decorated cupcakes and Israel hung colored lights on the houses! Feliz Navidad!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

And to everything there is a purpose . . .

Two years ago, almost to date, our first house parents moved in.  Today, they moved out.  The Zapata family has moved to Tegucigalpa to be near their families and to return to their former employment.     .  We are confident in the Lord and His plans for the children and this ministry- although we haven't any idea what tomorrow will bring.  Today was an exhausting day of chasing children, attempting to mold Jair's character for the better and trying to turn over fear, worry and burden to the Lord in prayer.  I am comforted by the peaceful fog that has settled over my mind, clouding the "to do list" and concealing all of those "urgent" items.  I am thankful for the ability "to only do the next thing", thankful that I can see only the next step, and not more.  I am thankful for the Lord's tests, practices, peace and provisions.  The difficulties in this world are much too great for me; how delightful to leave the solutions to the Master.  And so, we rest calmly and quietly, in prayer waiting for the Lord.
Dear Abba, Jehovah-Jireh, Master and Savior, we thank you for your care and provision.  We thank you for your purposes and plans. We thank you for our salvation through Christ.  We ask you for your abundant blessing and protection upon Jair, Douglas, Fanny, Kenneth and Alma and those who are caring for them.  We ask for your hand of provision upon the ministry of La Providencia.  We ask for your wisdom and encouragement for those leading La Providencia.  Please reveal the next step to us Lord.  Please light the pathway that we may see if we should turn to the left or to the right.  Help us to honor you and to give glory to you O Lord.  Guard us and protect us Lord that we may serve you well.  In the name of Christ we ask these things, Amen.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Seasons of Change

La Providencia is feeling the affects of the economic situation in the United States and the political instability in Honduras.  Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the current budget.  We are in the midst of making some difficult decisions regarding our staff and all areas of operations. We do see the blessing in the necessary changes.  The Lord is so gracious and blesses us in ways that the world may view as weakness.  But, He shows Himself always faithful always strong.  This week, the administrative office is moving from Siguatepeque into the clinic at La Providencia. Within a month, the Providence In a Box store will also move to its new location on campus.  We are continuing to praise the Lord for this season and to put our hope in His plans for the days ahead.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Academia La Providencia teaching staff

Our wonderful teaching staff for the 2010 school year:
Profy Luz Garcia, interim director and 1st grade, Profy Lorena Gonzalez, English instructor 4 yr. Kinder/ 5yr Prepa, Profy Sindy Osorio, Bible/Art/Music and P.E. instructor, Profy Katherine Marrow, English instructor 1st grade, Profy Jamy Calderon, 4 yr. old Kindergarten

Academia La Providencia (ALP) serves the children in the surrounding village of Augas del Padre and the children of La Providencia.  The school opened in March, 2008.  The first academic year will be complete in November.  The school is a private bi-lingual academy.  Thirty-two children from the village are currently enrolled in the academy.  The children are served a well-balanced snack and lunch each day.  The teachers supervise the children's hand-washing and dental hygiene.  Students also receive medical wellness care from La Providencia. Sponsorship or donations are necessary to provide education, nutrition and health care for each academy student.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Vivacious Volunteers!

We love our interns! We are so thankful to these young ladies for volunteering their time to help the ministry of La Providencia.  Bethany Alms - teaching Bible at ALP, our students were blessed during their time together;  Krysten Poyner - helping with the community census project - this helps us plan for the future needs of the village community;  Elizabeth Holliday - working in and organizing the Providence In a Box store - many families easily found needed items due to Elizabeth's care, organization and hardwork.   Thank you ladies for your dedication.  We also appreciate your joy and patience during curfew hours!    

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Helicopter Visits La Providencia

A group from Guatemala flew down to visit La Providencia.  We were so excited to see the chopper land, climb inside and watch it take off.   We also received aerial photos they took as they were leaving.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dia del Nino

Children's Day is such an important holiday around here! It is more festive than Christmas. The children typically receive new clothes from their parents as their gift.  On this day, the children may wear their new clothes to school instead of their regular uniform.  Schools, churches, community groups, families, etc....gather through out the day and weekend to celebrate.  This year, the ALP kids and La Providencia families went to a park/ green space to celebrate in "field day" fashion.  Our teachers and staff acted out a skit during the devotional time.  We sang songs and played games.  Our moms cooked a delicious chicken plate for lunch and we had sugary drinks and cake! To finish out our activities, we had a Spider Man pinata for the boys and a Princess Purse pinata for the girls.  It was a lovely day for everyone!  

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Independence Day Soccer

Our ALP boys are talented!  Not only can they play soccer, but these fellas have great attitudes and really know how to hustle! The team captain, Jonaton is quite talented but has a great "team" mentality.  He does his part and encourages the others in their positions.  He is always cheerful and smiling.  Our goalie, Antony, worked hard to learn how to defend the goal.  He took his job seriously and truly enjoyed it.  Antony also has asthma and cannot run well.  This did not stop him from having a great attitude.  So many of the boys really shined during the soccer games.  They had such fun and were truly proud of each other.  This was such a wonderful experience for everyone in the ministry.  These kids are amazing!

Our captain, Jonaton, was awarded a medal from the city for the most goals scored.   He was presented with this medal in a private moment when his mom and sister could be present.  His mom was so joyful.  When Jonaton joined his classmates again, they all cheered and shared in the joy.  

Friday, September 04, 2009

Independence Day Soccer Style

In preparation for the honduran Independence Day, Sept 16, the city of Siguatepeque is hosting a soccer tournament.  The Kindergarten and Prepatoria school age children will compete in games for two weeks.  At the end of the games, the city will recognize the winning team in a presentation at the city stadium.  Our boys are having a great time practicing for the upcoming events.  

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Kenias

Please welcome our first set of twins - Kenia Julissa and Kenia Carolina.  They are 18 months old.  Julissa seems quite social and Carolina needs a bit of time to warm up to new faces.  Carolina seems ready to start walking, but Julissa doesn't have the strength yet.  The girls were sent from an institution in San Pedro.   They have spent most of their 18 months in a crib.  They are both healthy, sweet and beautiful.  They are part of the Salgado household.  

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Christ Presbyterian Church Youth

The CPC youth returned for their fourth consecutive year.  The team worked on the front of the clinic.  They worked on the retaining walls, future flower beds, and future parking area.  The team was fired up and ready to work.  They also shared in hosting a community night for the families of La Providencia.  Unfortunately, their week was interrupted by the political instability in Honduras.  

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What do you do during curfew?????

Leader Treks - Bent Tree, Texas

Sarah and Chase were the amazing team in charge of Leader Treks this year.  They both did an amazing job with their teams.  The Bent Tree team worked with pick axes to carve a ditch for rain drainage at La Providencia.  They also held a VBS for the children in the village of Aguas del Padre.  They did an amazing job.  Their time was cut short by the recent political occurences in Honduras.  Due to a country-wide curfew, the team spent the day at the Holliday's home.  They took "pila" baths and camped out with us for the day.  They were such a polite and hospitable group - we were blessed by their presence.  

Welcome, Dagoberto, Fanny and Alma

House mom welcoming Fanny, age 3

Leslie, Elizabeth and little Alma, with pink hair clip, 18 months

Kristin and Dagoberto, age 2

Visiting team members, Dante Graves, Leslie Laseter, interns Kristin Poynter and Elizabeth Holliday accompanied Israel and Myra to collect three new children.  Dagoberto, age 2, smiling and friendly; and a set of sisters, Fanny, age 3, and Alma, age 18 months.  Fanny and Alma were both very frightened and cried during most of the drive to Siguatepeque.  They were able to be calmed with crackers and juice boxes.  Dagoberto joined the home of the Salgado family.  Fanny and Alma complete the Zapata family.  Providence currently is home to nine orphaned children.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Christ Presbyterian Church Family/Medical

Whew! What a week! This team came from our home church in Nashville.  They "hit the ground running" you might say, with lots of plans and goals for the week.  The medical staff consisted of: a cardiologist, a general medical physician, a pediatrician, a nurse practitioner, a pharmacist, occupational therapist, and two dental hygenists.  This team visited with patients in an eldery home in our community and in a school for children with downs syndrome.  They were able to see many patients and the hygenists spent time with the school children teaching them about dental care.  There was a construction component to this team as well. They spent the week building a . Another group, presented a VBS program for the school children in the afternoons, after helping to organize various Providence in a Box donations.  

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Josue's Arrival

Josue is a 2 1/2 year old little boy who came to La Providencia on June 8.  Visiting board member, Michael McKerley, accompanied Israel to the institution in San Pedro to collect him. From the first moment, Josue was smiling and active.  He lives in the home of the Salgado family. He is the first child they have received since moving here in April.  

Wheaten Bible Church Youth

What an amazing work team! This group laid it down! Lots and lots of concrete that is! This team of juniors and seniors was focused on truly supporting the brother next to them in the work line. They worked as a team, not as many individuals. They allowed the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals to strengthen the team as a whole. This group worked together to support one another and to reach their goals on the work site. Not one time did we hear grumbling or complaining. Although they were tired, we were continually met with joyful and pleasant spirits. Wheaten Bible - we think you are AWESOME! Thank you for sharing your time, your energy and your love for Christ with us. We know you will continue to run the race well - we saw Christ in you and we are so blessed by your time with us. Thanks so much!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Welcome Interns! Bethany Alms, Nashville, TN, will be teaching Bible at Academia La Providencia (ALP).   Krysten Poyner, Las Vegas, NV, will be working on the community census project until she returns to school in October.  Both Bethany and Krysten are spanish students and will live in homes of honduran families. 

Elizabeth Holliday, Nashville, TN, will be working in the Providence In a Box store.  She is our "Aunt Lily" and will live WITH US!!!!!!!!!  We are so blessed to have such wonderful interns helping us this season.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wheaten University Research team

Gimmie a "F"
Gimmie a "U"
Gimmie a "N"
What's that spell? Hey, who wants to invite the Weasley twins over for a party??? Anyone?
We miss you Wheaten!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

Feliz Dia de Madre

The teachers and school children worked hard to prepare a delightful presentation for Mother's Day. Mother's Day is an important and well celebrated holiday in Honduras. The children wore traditional dress and danced the "sleepyhead" dance for their mothers. They sang songs and played games together with their mothers. Dona Marthita, whose husband is the pastor at Eben-Ezer church in Siguatepeque, came to share a gospel message with the moms. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a fruit dessert with a specialty - whipped cream topping!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Welcoming the Familia Salgado to La Providencia

The second set of house parents moved into their new home yesterday! We welcomed them with much joy and enthusiasm! They were presented with a few symbolic gifts: a pineapple representing the hospitality, love, mercy and grace they will share with all who enter their home; bread representing Jesus Christ, the bread of life from whom they will draw their strength, grape soft drink! (in place of a bottle of wine) representing fellowship and joy and in Christ we always have reason to celebrate, and a childrens' bible to use to instruct the children in the truth of the Holy Scriptures! Then we all shared chinese food! and cake :) It was a lovely afternoon. The house father shared their vision for their home, one simple yet important thing - to teach the children about the truth and love of the Lord.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Celebrating the Resurrection of Christ

Today we hosted the 1st Annual Easter Egg Hunt at La Providencia! 600 sweet filled eggs lay in wait for the children! We used "Resurrection Eggs" to present the history of Christ's death and resurrection to the children and their parents. They were captivated! Staff members painted faces, shared the gospel and led the children in song and prayer. We divided the children by ages for the hunt and "Uno, dos, tres...Vayan!" They took off to collect eggs! They were delighted to find candy inside! Afterwards, we shared donuts, juice and soft drinks.

Thanks to those of you who purchased the eggs in the USA last year, stored, loaded and shipped them to us on a Providence In a Box Container. The name of Christ was raised and sweet blessings were received!