Monday, August 13, 2012
"Beyond Our Borders" Providence Event
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Samantha´s Experience
Hola! My name is Samantha, I’ve been interning at La Providencia for the past two months, and I’ll be going back to the States at the end of April. So far, it’s been quite the adventure, and I can’t wait to see what the next month holds!
Before I arrived, I didn’t know exactly what to expect – I said that I was flexible, and just wanted to be utilized wherever they needed me. Well, the first thing I learned is that if you say you are willing to be flexible, you had better be prepared for anything! I found out a few days before I arrived here that I would be teaching math and science classes to first through third graders. Though I’ve had some classroom experience (as a teacher’s assistant and tutor), I’ve never actually taught anything in my life. I had anticipated working with a few of the children who have speech and language challenges (my undergraduate degree is in communication disorders), but it turns out they needed a full-time teacher instead. So my mornings are spent teaching, and I get a “break” in the afternoon for speech therapy sessions. I can’t say that I haven’t been utilized, that’s for sure!
The first week of teaching was extremely challenging. It took me a bit of time to get the rhythm of things, but the teachers (and the students!) were very patient with me and answered my millions of questions (wait, there’s a homework notebook AND a class notebook?? What am I supposed to teach them about science again? Where is [every classroom object you can imagine]?). A few helpful hints from the other teachers and a lot of trial and error… and I still fail a lot. But we work through it, and I think they might actually be learning something. :)
I live with a host family here in Siguatepeque, and it’s been a huge blessing to have a “family” to come home to at the end of the day. They make me delicious food and talk to me really quickly… but I’m learning. With my semi-limited Spanish abilities (which are slowly but steadily improving), I spend a substantial amount of time being confused about what’s going on. More often than not, they tell me we’re going out and I have no idea where we’re going or when we’ll be back. Sometimes it’s just a walk to the pulpería down the street, sometimes it’s an all-day trip to an aunt’s house, and one time we were doing errands all over town for a few hours. It’s wonderful – I’m letting go of my need to be in control of everything, I’m learning to trust people, and I’m a great source of entertainment for my family as they watch the lightbulb go on when I finally figure out what’s happening. :)
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Retos Para Cada Año

Cada vez que estamos en esta temporada nos proponemos nuevos retos para el nuevo año que comienza, quedan atrás las celebraciones por gratitud a un año que ha pasado, también queda atrás el espíritu de gratitud que tenemos al celebrar el nacimiento de nuestro salvador.
Ahora en enero nos enfrentamos con una realidad que hemos venido evadiendo ante tanta celebración y un espíritu de alegría; y esa realidad es la que todos nos hacemos sin importar en que área nos desempeñamos y esta es ¨Como vamos a enfrentar este nuevo año¨ y más que decir como lo haremos, comenzamos a establecer estrategias que nos permitan llegar a alcanzar lo que creemos que sería el éxito.
En la providencia no es la excepción en estar embargados por esta incertidumbre o este sentimiento que por veces no es fácil de digerir, solo que también sabemos que es lo que tenemos que hacer para poder hacer un plan efectivo para este y cada año que comenzamos; esto lo encontramos en la palabra de Dios en el libro de I Tim. 6:10-12.
Este libro nos da 4 sugerencias:
1. Que nos apartemos de las cosas pecaminosas
2. Que busquemos la santidad, a través de la Fe, La Paciencia, El Amor, y Bondad de corazón
3. Que peleemos la Buena Batalla de La Fe
4. Que guardemos la Palabra de Dios que nos ha sido encomendada
Espero que esta pequeña reflexión nos permita hacer propósitos y metas para este nuevo año y que para el mes de Diciembre las podamos celebrar tal y como celebramos las del 2011, para Honra y gloria de nuestro padre celestial
P.D. sacado del sermón de Mizael Flores del 30-12-11, Iglesia Punto de Gracia. Siguatepeque.