We are celebrating what the Lord is doing in the life of Mizael and his family!
Mizael and Bessie have been a wonderful part of the family of La Providenica for many years and we celebrate with them as they move into a new season of life. Mizael has worked as an architect at La Providencia for the past five years. His design and creativity gave birth to the lovely buildings on the campus of La Providencia. Now, the Lord has opened new doors for their family. Mizael has been contracted to design a large multi-specialty clinic and surgery center in our town of Siguatepeque. This facility is a private venture by a local and well-respected cardiologist. This is a wonderful career opportunity for Mizael. We are delighted and rejoice with his family!
Also, after many years of consideration, Mizael has decided to enroll in a local seminary. He will begin attending classes in July. The classes at Mission Evangelico De Las Americas (MEDA) are on a bi-monthly rotation. MEDA is a wonderful worldwide organization connected to the Master’s Seminary in Southern California. The local Chrisitian community is supported by many MEDA pastors, educators and missionaries who travel from around the world to teach at the local seminary and to speak at conferences. We will greatly miss their regular involvement but the Flores family will always be a part of the family of La Providencia. We celebrate with them as they begin this new season of their Christian walk. Please join in this celebration by giving thanks to the Father for His love, creativity and provision. Please ask His continued blessing over this lovely family.