I realized that despite the interns work in the community, they still couldn't completely understand how a lower class Honduran family functions on a day-to-day basis. I talked to the interns and one of the workers at the project and the decisions was made for his family to take in our interns for a short period of time. They arrived in the afternoon, experienced a typical Honduran dinner, and spent the evening with the family. Going through all the normal chores and daily activities, the interns got a glimpse of what its like. It was a huge learning experience for all of them, and even though they didn't get as much sleep as they wanted, they definitely appreciated it.

We only have one LeaderTreks team with us right now. They are from Indiana and we are enjoying getting to know them as always. This weekend was exciting as we took them to the waterfall and then enjoyed dinner at our favorite local restaurant. They have been working hard at the worksite, conducting VBS, and embracing the Honduran experience. They also did a great job at our small soccer tournament that we played out in the community. This team will return to Indiana on Friday and we’ll be getting two more team on Saturday. They are only weeklong teams and they will be the last two student teams for the summer.
The interns are busy with their projects and are focusing on a strong finish. They fly home on August 7th, exactly two weeks from today. It is so hard to believe that the summer is almost over! The time has flown by but God has done some amazing things through both the celebrations and the struggles.
That is all for now
With love,
Alfredo Cerrato